liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

Sitting Could Be the Death of You

Researchers at the Ochsner Health System in Baton Rouge, Louisiana analyzed 14 years of data ('93-'06) on 120,000 people, adjusted for smoking and obesity, and discovered that just plain old sitting is a major health risk. Six or more hours a day on the keester causes women to have a 37% higher risk of dying compared with women who sat 3 hours or less. The difference in death risk between 3 and 6 hours sitting among men was only 17%. ...people who sat a lot and did not exercise or stay active had an even higher mortality risk: 94% for women and 48% for men.

The Week 8/13/10>1=31036
Tags: america, entertainment, exercise, fitness, public health, television, walking

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