liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

Utah: Route Changes, and the Great Salt Lake

Second night in SLC at KB's. Nice here. Strange dreams though. Heading on toward AZ tomorrow. Decided not to push on to the SE. Something about spending $1000 in gas to go be mosquito bit in the muggy southeast started sounding like not the greatest idea. Instead going to loop back to PDX via Montana, Idaho, Washington, and look at some cities where I might practice.

Swam in the Great Salt Lake with KB today, or rather, floated, high like a cork. Treading water I could easily keep my nipples above water. Relaxing in the water my head and feet were above the surface. Salt crusted on skin after getting out of the water. Edge of lake guarded by billions of brine gnats, they move in waves when disturbed by feet or seagulls eating them. No brine shrimp this time of year, they come to the surface in the fall. Skin felt tight and prickly when dried in the sun after being in the brine. Really glad of the outdoor freshwater rinse. We also hiked toward the highest point on Antelope island. Didn't get to the top but it's pretty neat up there. The Lake is much larger than I knew.
Tags: travel, utah

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