liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

Wanted a Baby

Last week here in Portland, Oregon a 19 year old girl made a big mistake. She had told her boyfriend that she was pregnant when she actually wasn't. So desperate was she to get a child that she advertised on Craigslist that she had baby clothing to give away. Another young woman whose child was nearly due showed up to get the free clothing. The non-pregnant girl knocked her on the head, cut out the baby with a kitchen knife, and stuffed the dying woman's body into hiding. Then the baby started to die too, so she called 911. They asked her when she had given birth and she said "sometime yesterday". Needless to say, she's busted. The price of her selfish gory violence: three lives, theirs and hers too.

Today I go to the baby shower of a friend from school who is nearly due. I hope she hasn't heard this story. I am certainly not going to tell it.
Tags: internet, madness, pregnancy, psych

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