liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

The Butcher of Bosnia was Practicing Alternative Medicine

Yep. Radovan Karadzic had been in hiding for over a decade, after leading the Bosnian Serbs in the 1992-5 war. They forced quite a few Bosnian Muslims into concentration camps. I have no idea how many died. Karadzic was a psychiatrist. In Srebenica, 1995, some 8,000 Muslim boys and men were massacred, and Karadzic is supposed to have orchestrated that. It gives me pause to think that someone who has training in human nature is capable of leading such disastrous action. And then, after whatever the war did to him and those around him, he tried to be a good person under a new name.

"He was a highly cultured man, he was very tolerant, he had a sense of humour, he was very positive, he was very intellectual - so he was a great person."

His hideout was in Belgrade, capital of Serbia. It's reported that he walked about freely, gave lectures, made friends, and was an all-around decent man. He grew a long beard and changed his hair, and had a private practice in alternative medicine. War crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said "Even his landlords were unaware of his identity." He called himself Dragan Dabic. Until he was arrested, Serbia would not be allowed a chance to join the EU.
Tags: christianity, crime, genocide, identity, islam, isms, jugoslavia, medicine, morality, psych, serbia

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