feckless = 1. weak, ineffective 2. worthless, irresponsible.
terror (as used in the phrase "war on terror") = militant Islamic fundamentalism
hegemony = preponderant influence or authority over others, DOMINATION...seems to usually be the hegemony of nations over each other...
sclerotic = growing rigid or unresponsive with age, hardening. I knew this from sclerosis (arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries) as a medical term but then read it applied to Britain... comes from iddle English sclirosis = tumor and from Greek sklerosis, skleroun to harden
hypertrophic = excessive development of an organ or part, increased mass, exaggerated growth or complexity....I knew this also primarily as a medical term, but then read it describing suburban land development in the US...
hubris = from the Greek hybris (hy = too much prefix again) -- exaggerated pride or self confidence----the "techno-hubris" evident before the crash of tech stocks....