liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

QotD: PhD Psychologist's Assessment of tRump

We are pending a bona fide axis II becoming president. Plus ADHD without question. I've taken my deep breaths, become solid, and am looking forward to messing with the Clown every chance I get. I will be ok for sure; I crossed that line I think. But you may not be ok, nor your beautiful child, nor mine. That's what I worry about. I spent 30 years dealing with criminals, but never a billionaire criminal... however, the tone is unmistakable... and it smacks of the most evil I've seen. This guy has more issues than any 100 random people put together. Exhaling now....
--this quote stolen without permission from facebook, this psychologist spends his days assessing delinquient children's mental health for the courts, he will not be named unless he wants to be named as of 2/6/16

**first use of tag: trump

Tags: adhd, america, madness, mental illness, mistakes, narcissism, personality, president, psych, trump

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