Eat protein.
Dr Paul brings ribs from a restaurant. He's in his 90's and doesn't mind spending his money on food for others. He's a retired physician, orthopedic surgeon to be specific. His sons are all in medicine too, some clinical and some research. He gave me the Mayo clinic book on Alternative Medicine. They basically have a stoplight rating system for all things alternative, and the majority of treatments get the yellow light based on the science that they found. I appreciate it pretty much. They don't damn naturopathic medicine, it gets yellow also. There are good and bad parts. I wish they'd do the same approach for conventional medicines. People might be shocked how weak the evidence is for some of them. The degree to which pharmaceutical businesses drive the FDA and the delivery of medicine is apalling. I love it every time I read of another review that shows reasonable conventional doctors understand that some of the uses of pharmaceuticals are unsubstantiated and may do more harm than good.