liveonearth (liveonearth) wrote,

the new MRSA: CRKP

Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae, that is. It is resistant to nearly all antibiotics, and according to the Guardian killed 25,000 people in Europe last year. CRKP has been reported in 36 US states so far and is sure to be present in others. LA County longterm care facilities may have lots of it. Antibiotic resistant micro-organisms are best beaten using the naturopathic principle of strengthening the innate healing ability of the organism: there's no bug that can beat a healthy immune system!


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in hospitals and community
CRKP is newest baddie, reportedi n 36 states and mb in others
Klebsiella = common gram-negative found in intestines
carbapenems = so-called “antibiotics of last resort”
MRSA (methacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) lives on skin, can burrow in
Tags: antibiotics, california, europe, immunology, medicine, microbes, naturopathy, respiratory

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